
Review: Super Bunny Man – A fluffy hero who is not afraid of challenges


Platformer arcades are great again. Super Bunny Man is a platformer game with a bunny-like anthropomorphous character you need to lead to the portal at the end of the level. Though the game is not as cruel as, say, Super Meat Boy, it’s still a nerve trial.

In May 2023, the game finally officially left Early Access. A new world has been added, many bugs have been fixed, online mode has been improved.

  • Developer: Catobyte
  • Publisher: Catobyte Ltd
  • Release date: September 1, 2017 (in Early Access), Release v1.0 May 16, 2023

Not that the game offers stunning graphics, but it’s not about graphical power at all. It’s about fun and physics. And that works fine. Platforms and holes, portals and levels, they all are strictly 2D, and that’s the genre.

World by world the visuals change, but not crucially. The game features forest, snowy landscape, beach, cave, and more. The 2D platformed environment remains, and your character is still that pink awkward bunny-dressed human.

Gameplay. That’s where the game uncovers its brilliance. Your character is a man dressed as a pink bunny, and he needs to get to a portal at the end of each level. It’s quite funny to do, because Left and Right buttons tilt the character instead of moving him in the selected direction. The Jump button doesn’t mean a vertical leap either; it depends on the character’s position.

The further you go, the more obstacles you’re to avoid, from simple gaps between platforms to water, spikes, pitfalls, and even minefields! The missions may differ too; there is Time Attack (a ghost race against).

This unusual physical approach makes the game a bit hard to master, but who said platformers should be easy? Now it’s one of the most hardcore game genres, and Super Bunny Man keeps up to it.

It may take you several attempts just to reach the final portal of any level, not mentioning record time achievements.

Multiplayer mode offers two ways of playing. You may play versus each other or join up on a basketball team. We didn’t decide which way it is funnier, though.

If you have ever dreamed of becoming a cute rabbit in your next life, you may change your mind after trying this.

The game is controlled as simply as platformers get. You’ll only need three buttons to tilt left or right and to jump. The art of mastery these depends on how you understand the physics of Super Bunny Man. After a bit of playing you’ll feel familiar with the system as is you had been wearing a real bunny suit for a day or two and then got used to its restrictions.

With all the modern hardcore platformers provide, this one is highly replayable. Chances are you won’t get your best time at first try. So each level is to be replayed for all three stars. Another pleasure is in finding a hidden carrot on each level and bringing it to the final portal.

Though there aren’t too many worlds to play endlessly, the ones already here are difficult enough to get you replaying them hard.

It’s a good blend of physical puzzle and platformer game, and after a bit of playing this blended game, you might stagger like after blended Scotch whiskey. Though the game looks a bit lightminded and even childish, it offers serious trials. If the word “trial” reminds you of car and bike trial games, then it does belong here, as the game does as well.

The physics of the game is not strictly ragdoll, but it reminds it too much. You need to understand its inner logic with manual controls to succeed. When you do, you’ll enjoy it.


  • Unusual physics and controls
  • Colorful graphics
  • Funny multiplayer abilities


  • May be a bit dull after you master the physics
  • May disappoint those not used to hardcore games

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